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“My experience is diverse and my desire is strong”
This is the building block for our future
Early Learning and K-12 leads to increased opportunities for our youth.
A strong foundation will foster the desire to achieve.
The workforce is comprised of many different skills and educational levels and all are vital cogs in a successful economy and life.
Advanced education
Vo-tech, BA, BS, Masters or Doctorate, all make up these cogs.
County Commissioner representative on WorkSource Walla Walla and Workforce Development Council.
Knowledge of the state funding for many projects to help employ people.
I will continue to advocate for and support these programs.
US and State Economies
Economies are thriving in a Macro view
Some sectors are still trying to recover within our district.
Problems still exist in agriculture and many businesses struggle with legislation passed down from Olympia which leads to difficulty in profitability.
Whether it is excess regulation or taxation, it has a negative effect on the prosperity in our region and state.
Retention of existing businesses and expansion of new helps to not only employ people but also lessens the tax burden on the individual residents by broadening the tax base.
We need to be a business-friendly state for all to succeed and prosper.
Involvement in agriculture is where my environmental respect has been fostered.
My entire life has revolved around the changing issues faced by all of society.
As a Washington Association of Wheat Growers President, I had the opportunity to learn and discuss the many complex issues of air and water quality.
I have worked with the Washington State Department of Ecology and also with the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, DC.
During my 8 years as a County Commissioner, I served on the Snake River Salmon Recovery Board and the Walla Walla Watershed Partnership.
Both of these boards work to find solutions on habitat, water quality, conservation, and use for our farms, family, and fish.
The majority of the products grown or built in the 16th district are transported either for domestic use or exported
We are very fortunate to have three modes of transportation for these goods. This being Road, River, and Rail.
These are very important to the economy not only in our district but all of Washington State.
I have been a strong advocate of all modes of transportation and have had the opportunity to testify before the Senate Sub Committee on Transportation in Washington, DC on these issues.
I will support and protect these much needed forms of transportation.